The Mystery of Satoshi Nakamoto. Who is the mysterious creator of bitcoin?

If you were even a little interested in cryptocurrencies, you probably heard the name of Satoshi Nakamoto, probably the most mysterious person of the 21st century. Creator of the world's first cryptocurrency. Person who appeared from nowhere and disappeared o who knows where. Or not a person, but a group of people? Could it be him? Or her? Or them? We'll call him “he” In this article, although that's just a guess. So, who, after all, can hide behind this pseudonym? Let's try to dive deep into this mysterious story.

Appearance, Birth, Disappearance

Veni, vidi, vici is a popular expression attributed to the ancient Roman dictator and commander Gaius Julius Caesar. Translated from Latin, it means "I came, I saw, I won." With regard to Satoshi Nakamoto, one more word could be added to this motto: Veni, vidi, vici, abiit - I came, I saw a problem, I won, and I left.

Appearance (Veni)

The world first learned about this man in 2008. The domain was registered then, in August, where a description (White Paper) of the cryptocurrency was published after a while. Satoshi Nakamoto was listed as the author of the nine-page publication titled “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System”, and his email was also listed next to it. (The website still exists, and the original of this article can be found there.)

Birth (Vidi, Vici)

Nakamoto's publication attracted the attention of both the scientific crypto community and cryptography enthusiasts. It began to be discussed on forums and in correspondence. The idea took shape just a few months later, in January 2009, the bitcoin (BTC) network was launched, and Nakamoto generated the first blockchain block.

According to some estimates, out of 1.6 million coins mined in 2009, about 1.48 million may belong to Satoshi himself. This “chest with digital gold” has not been claimed by anyone until now (2022). Despite fluctuations in the BTC exchange rate, it is estimated at several tens of billions of US dollars. Thus, if Nakamoto comes out of nothingness, he would be one of the richest people on the planet.

Disappearance (Abiit)

Satoshi Nakamoto waived the copyright in mid-2010, sent the BTC source code to programmer Gavin Andersen, transferred the rights to the domain to members of the bitcoin community, and withdrew from further work on the project. His last emails were dated April 26, 2011, after which their author... disappeared completely. Thus, the creator of bitcoin existed in the public space for less than three years. However, if he did not completely change the world in this short period of time, at least he influenced it strongly. Bitcoin gained millions of fans, some countries began to use it on a par with their own currency, and thousands of followers, including even Central banks, started creating their own digital assets.

In our case, it lies in the fact that guessing who created bitcoin is, of course, interesting, but it is much more interesting to make money on this cryptocurrency. To do this, you need, at least, to open an account with the NordFX brokerage company, where you will get access to a wide range of trading instruments, among which, of course, there are bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

It is very important to know that the opportunity to earn not only on the growth, but also on the fall of digital assets is very important in these turbulent times. And you will get this opportunity at NordFX. Moreover, thanks to margin trading, you will be able to multiply your profits, since you will need only 150 USD to open a position in 1 bitcoin, in 1 Ethereum - 15 USD, 1 EOS - 0.3 USD, and for 1 Ripple - only 0.02 USD. When trading with these and other TOP cryptocurrencies, you will be able to use a wide variety of trading strategies. But at the same time, of course, you must not forget about money management and the risks that margin trading carries. And if you really know who Satoshi Nakamoto is, don't forget to share this exciting discovery with us.




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