Forex Awards Algorithm

The method we are using to evaluate business companies is a state-of-the-art product comprising complicated algorithms, but at the same time is easy and comprehensible for our visitors. We are cooperating with a crew of top-ranked specialists, who also deal with our questionnaires and feedback forms and participate in choosing the industry market leaders.

How the algorithm works

Each nomination is scrutinized by at least 10 experts with years of experience in the relevant industry. The gurus tick the strongest points of each listing participant in the questionnaire. These valuable opinions are then being summarized, as they serve as the basis for further shaping of the profiles of the companies bidding to be the best in a certain field of business activity.

Upon having received the experts’ evaluations, we keep on investigating the market participants from the point of view of regular customers with pro-active attitude who are willing to share their experience and evaluations regarding this or that business company with the entire community.

According to our algorithm, there is a difference between an expert and a regular opinion: an expert opinion is processed with a more weighty index; however, any opinion matters and is taken into consideration. Awards are given to business companies in different categories on a country and functional basis.

How are votes processed?

Our registered users are entitled to cast votes. The first step is registration and receiving approval of the website management. As soon as you have system access, you can choose any company from the drop-down menu. After you have made your choice, tick the characteristic features you consider to be best describing the advantages of this very market participant. The activities of each voter are recorded and summarized. This is how the overall assessment of the list participants is generated: opinions of both market experts and regular users are taken into account.

A very important characteristic of our listing is the convenience in evaluating market participants. That is, you are able to cast votes at different times in regards of different features of any given company, once you feel that you have more to say about your personal experience in dealing with this broker, or bank, or software provider, etc.

At that, to avoid driving up the numbers and nonobjective approach, any single registered user can tick any particular feature of any particular company only once during the voting term (6 months).

Who tops the list?

According to our strategy, expert and customer evaluations are being accumulated for the term of 6 months; we believe that this time span is short enough to keep the procedure interesting for our community, but long enough to collect diverse, ‘multi-colored’, extensive data on the performance and key features of the market leaders. Upon taking stock of this information the results are published on the site and come to notice of our community – for acknowledgement, discussion, and chalking up in further business practices. A company that gains the largest amounts of same feature ticks tops the nomination.


Forex Awards features about 30 nominations describing various directions of business activities – functional, technical, geographical, etc. Pick and evaluate companies in the nominations that are of the essence for you personally.


Results are valid for SIX MONTHS after the official publication on the Forex Awards site.

About Forex awards

Forex Awards is a team of marketing professionals headquartered in Hong Kong, one of the global financial centers. We specialize in analysis and evaluation of business companies since 2010 in partnership with reputable independent experts. Our business assessment know-how is unique and pioneering. We see our mission in making world markets more transparent and responsible, and the results of our findings we share with our community on a non-stop basis.


Suggested Forex Nominations

All Nominations 2025